Three Pillars of Success. Passion – Purpose – Persistent Action

Think about how each pillar applies to your life, and there may be room for improvement in the future.

As it is now March 2022, one of the main events that occur every year in the business world is getting success.
Entrepreneurs, Small business owners will not always see the same future in their business.
However, it is essential to build your vision of the future and start working towards it by considering the three pillars to be successful.


You must enjoy what you do for a living.

If there are parts of your job that you don’t want, then you will not represent your best self on the job.

Passion is a powerful emotion that can motivate you to do anything.


 This is one of the essential parts of being successful.

You need to understand why you are performing the actions that you’re taking daily.

If you can’t do this, then it is likely that someone else will take your place, and they will have a stronger sense of purpose and be more motivated to get the results they want.


The third pillar is persistence.

If you are not constant, it should be no surprise when things don’t turn out the way you want.
You need to keep trying and never give up.

Even when you do not see any returns, you need to remain persistent because you will eventually see the results you are looking for.


You can be passionate about life, or you can let things happen to you. 

You can take control of your life and make your destiny, or you can ignore opportunities that come up day after day.

It’s not easy to feel passion for living,

but here are some tips on igniting the fire of love in your everyday routine.

#1. Take The First Step!
Passion cannot be forced, either by someone else or by your own will. You can put all the passion you want into something, but it won’t work if it’s not there.

Passion is an emotion that comes to you when you are doing things that make sense to you without being told what to do. 

Passion is like love; you can’t force someone else to love you, nor can you make yourself fall in love with someone or something.

#2. Think Of The Big Picture!
You might think that if you want to start feeling passion for your life, you have to find the perfect job and work at it. 

But this is not passion.

Passion is about enjoying your work, whatever it might be, even if you wouldn’t choose the same job again.

#3. Give It Time!
You can’t expect to suddenly start feeling a strong connection with something that doesn’t interest you.

It’s going to take some time before you feel a passion for your chosen path in life.

#4. Look For Opportunities!
Passion is a powerful emotion that can motivate you to do anything.

If you’ve been doing the same thing every day without feeling any passion for it, then maybe it’s time to change something.

You won’t know if your job or hobby makes you feel passionate unless you try something different.

#5. Find The Right People!
If you’re trying to start feeling passionate about something, don’t surround yourself with hostile and uninterested people in life.
It’s contagious!

Sometimes our friends influence us in good ways, but sometimes they can be bad influences.

#7. Keep Trying!
Never give up on something that you genuinely feel passionate about, even if it seems impossible at first glance.

The road to success comes with obstacles, but the moment we lose hope and stop trying,  we start to fail.

#8. Make It Work!
Passion is a sense of belief that turns an idea into a reality.

#9. Change Things Up!
Take a break from the things you don’t feel passionate about and give them a rest for a while, but don’t let them go for good.

“Surround yourself…with like-minded people with similar goals.”

Find Your Purpose

There is no universal definition of purpose. 

Your purpose can be anything you want it to be, but ensure that What you do has a goal other than survival.

Try these.

  • Explore different interests to see which one clicks the most
  • Remove yourself from toxic people and relationships
  • Focus on doing good for the world and becoming the best person you can be
  • Put yourself in positions where you can notice opportunities to help you accomplish your goal
  • Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for advice from people who share the same interests as you do
  • Make sure that you see a promising future in your profession
  • Think of the time you have invested and how it could all go to waste if you quit
  •  Set small goals for yourself within your profession to work towards
  • Look for personal growth within your profession, even outside of the office
  • Do not quit; there are still opportunities to further yourself
  • Resolve any issues at work before looking for another job or giving notice
  • Keep reminding yourself of how much you enjoy certain aspects of your job, even if it is a minor thing like having a cup of coffee with your coworkers at the end of the day
  • Keep your life balanced, It is essential to take time for yourself and enjoy interests outside of work
  • Start planning early, at least six months in advance.
  • Reflect on prior experiences, If you have overcome challenges in the past, use that as motivation for this situation.
  • Make sure that all your actions get aligned with the same goal,
    For example, if your goal is to become an athlete, don’t pick up drugs or get in trouble for something utterly irrelevant to sports.-

This way, you’ll develop a stronger sense of purpose and have a support system to help you in your journey.

The most important thing here is that when something interests you, explore it even deeper to see if this is what you mean to do. 

You can try something as simple as talking about your interest with someone you know who shares the same interests as you do.

If you’re having a difficult time finding your purpose, follow these steps to help guide yourself along the way:

1) Remove yourself from toxic people and relationships
2) Focus on doing good for the world and becoming the best person you can be
3) Put yourself in positions where you can notice opportunities that will help you accomplish your goal
4) And finally, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for advice from people who share the same interests as you do.

“No great achievement is possible without persistent work.” – Bertrand Russell.

Being Persistent 

Being persistent in your passion is one of the essential traits you can ever have.  

It will not just help you immensely with whatever you’re trying to accomplish, but it keeps you going during even the most challenging times.

Now you might be wondering why persistence is such an important thing.  

Well, let us tell you…  

Persistence is the key to success. 

Without it, there wouldn’t be any successful people in this world at all! 

Many people give up too soon and never really find the success they were looking for.  

That’s why you have to keep trying and keep believing in yourself until you’ve reached your goal.

Be Persistent with these

  • Make sure that you see a promising future in your profession
  • Think of the time you have invested and how it could all go to waste if you quit
  • Set small goals for yourself within your profession
  • Find a mentor to rely on
  • Take a step back and think of what you have achieved so far

    Read our recent article on Success 101 – Business growth strategy

The three pillars of success are passion, purpose and persistent action.

To achieve your goals in life, you need to have a strong sense of what drives you or makes you happy when doing it.

It is essential not only for achieving these goals but also because without happiness in our lives; we cannot hope to live fulfilling ones.

Think about how each pillar applies to your life, and there may be room for improvement in the future.

Maybe one pillar needs more focus than another; perhaps all three could use an upgrade- either way, taking care of them will ensure they don’t hold back any future successes from happening! 

Success is not a destination that we arrive at; we continually work towards it.

To achieve three pillars of success – passion, purpose and persistent action –
We provide the roadmap to get there.

 But what does this look like in our own lives? 

How can we ensure that each of these is firing on all cylinders? 

We need to take some time for reflection and ask ourselves tough questions about what truly makes us happy. 

Are you living a life based on your passions? 

What would happen if you pursued them with purpose? 

With persistent action, anything is possible. 

Let’s work together to create the life of our dreams by focusing on these three essentials: passion, purpose and persistent action. 

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